No Dictators Declaration
Our country was founded for WE THE PEOPLE. Unfortunately, ever since our constitution was written, presidential administrations have sought to increase the authority they wield, weakening the safeguards that keep our freedoms free.
The recent Supreme Court decision granting broad immunity to presidents who use their official powers to engage in criminal acts has greatly increased the potential for a president to use their vast executive powers to clamp down on our constitutional rights.
The No Dictators Declaration is a promise to the American people that these elected officials and leaders will use their powers to protect our freedoms. A vow to uphold the Constitution by working with other elected officials and the American people to safeguard our democracy against all tyrannical threats to undermine checks and balances and the rule of law.
This isn’t a partisan issue – everyone should be in favor of closing vulnerabilities in our laws that could be exploited by a president to take away our rights and freedoms.
We all have a role to play in ensuring our country stays free and strong. You can help by sending a letter to your member of Congress asking them to protect the rule of law and our rights…

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The No Dictators Declaration is an agreement with the American people that we will uphold the Constitution to safeguard our democracy and our freedom against all tyrannical threats to undermine checks and balances and the rule of law. It is a commitment that we say YES to a government that is ‘of the people, for the people and by the people.’
Unfortunately, recent events, including the Supreme Court’s unprecedented decision granting broad immunity to presidents who use their official powers to engage in criminal acts has made the threat of dictatorship more urgent than ever and put our freedoms more at risk. We must proactively work to close loopholes that could allow a president to use their vast executive powers to clamp down on our constitutional rights to protect our freedoms and our democracy.
The Declaration
The following is the text of the declaration that we are asking elected officials to express their commitment to by signing:
In my office and position as a [Congressperson/Senator], I will live my oath of office to uphold the Constitution by working with other elected officials and the American people to safeguard our democracy against all tyrannical threats to undermine checks and balances and the rule of law. Recognizing the profound impact my actions can have, I make the following commitments to defend constitutional representative democracy, which is foundational to preserving all other American freedoms and rights…

Who’s Protecting Our Freedoms?